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Team Canvas

  • Timothee
    • Create a clean, easy-to-use app for our target audience that satisfies all of their functional needs.
    • Have efficient, modular, and typed backend code.
  • Kareem
    • Create a scalable, user-friendly app which pass all our acceptance criteria for each user story.
    • Work well as a team.
  • Leo
    • Create an application that could help users to make their work easier by meeting all the user stories as it is required by the clients.
    • Discuss with team members when it comes to decision-making.
  • Ronan
    • Create and deploy an easy-to-use application that achieves all the user stories we set out.
    • Have an excellent and accessible UI and UX.
  • Xinyuan
    • Create a user-friendly app.
    • Improve ability to work in a team.
  • Braedon
    • Improve the abilities of teachers to work with their students through the use of our web app
    • Get rich
  • Kareem
    • Backend Dev
    • ULearnify Team
  • Timothee
    • Backend Dev
    • ULearnify Team
  • Leo
    • Backend Dev
    • ULearnify Team
  • Braeden
    • Front-end Dev
    • ULearnify Team
  • Ronan Sandoval
    • Front-end Dev
    • ULearnify Team
  • Xinyuan
    • Front-end Dev
    • ULearnify Team
  • Timothee
    • To help teachers of disadvantaged students better understand their students.
    • Improve special needs education systems.
  • Braedon
    • To improve the ability of teachers to work with their students.
    • Improve the ability to work with students with disabilities.
  • Leo
    • Make teachers to track and work with their students more easily.
    • Improve efficiency of working with students
  • Ronan
    • To provide teachers with an easier way to track and assess their students.
    • Improve the ability to assess the progress of students with disabilities.
  • Kareem
    • To allow a better learning experience for special needs children.
    • Allow for a better understanding of learning disabilities.
  • Xinyuan
    • To give a more easier and more convenient way for teachers to assess special needs students.
    • Improve the learning process for students.
  • Timothee
    • Quality, trust, equality, and respect
    • Team members should be respectful and trustworthy
  • Braedon
    • Acceptance, Trust, Loyalty
    • Everyone should work together to improve and overcome
  • Leo
    • Create a user-friendly product
    • Team members help each other if needed
    • Respect each others
  • Ronan
    • Creating a quality product
    • Ensuring our team is a kind and safe environment
    • Trust, Transparency
  • Kareem
    • Exceeding our Clients Expectations
    • Work as a team, use good code practices and have fun.
    • Respect, trust and unity.
  • Xinyuan
    • Creating an easy-to-use app and helping solve our customer’s problems.
    • Respectful, Honest, and Engaging
  • Timothee
    • Weekly in-person or online meetings to ensure that everyone is on the same page.
    • Everyone must be able to voice their opinions for crucial decisions. Crucial decisions must be unanimous.
    • At every meeting we collectively review individual/past work and reasses how to move forward.
  • Braeden
    • We use discord and emails to communicate outside of meetings.
    • We make decisions by consulting group members.
  • Leo
    • We usually use discord to communicate the updated information
    • Emails for sending online meeting
    • We make decisions by discussing with group members
  • Ronan
    • We will have weekly meetings to ensure everyone is on the same page about the project and knows what to do
    • Through our discord server and email
    • We consult all group members and form a unanimous decision
    • We will create branches of our work, create pull requests when our work is done, which is then evaluated by other team members
  • Kareem
    • Weekly in person meetings, Discord for random inquiries.
    • Coming up with an idea, and asking team members what they think.
    • In our weekly meetings, we’ll make sure everything is done and if something isnt we’ll figure it out as a team. And then start planning for the coming sprint.
  • Xinyuan
    • We use discord to solve some instant questions and we also have meetings discuss important issues.
    • We will discuss before we make decisions.
  • Scrum Master (for all sprints)
    • Kareem
  • Producer Owner (for all sprints)
    • Timothee
  • Backend
    • Timothee
    • Kareem
    • Leo
  • Front-end
    • Ronan
    • Xinyuan
    • Braeden

Belbin Roles

Name Preferred Roles Mangeable Roles Least Preferred Roles
Braeden Dirksen PL SP IM CF RI TW SH ME CO
Kareem Elakkad SP PL SH IMP RI CF TW CO ME
Ronan Sandoval TW CF SP CO PL IMP SH ME RI
Timothee Legros SP ME IMP SH CF RI TW PL CO

Thinking Roles

PL (Plant)

Tends to be highly creative and good at solving problems in unconventional ways.

  • Braeden Dirksen (preferred)
  • Kareem Elakkad (preferred)
  • Xinyuan Zhao (preferred)

ME (Monitor Evaluator)

Provides a logical eye, making impartial judgements where required and weighs up the team's options in a dispassionate way.

  • Timothee Legros (preferred)

SP (Specialist)

Brings in-depth knowledge of a key area to the team.

  • Braeden Dirksen (preferred)
  • Kareem Elakkad (preferred)
  • Ronan Sandoval (preferred)
  • Xinyuan Zhao (preferred)
  • Timothee Legros (preferred)

Action Roles

SH (Shaper)

Provides the necessary drive to ensure that the team keeps moving and does not lose focus or momentum.

  • Timothee Legros (manageable)

IMP (Implementer)

Needed to plan a workable strategy and carry it out as efficiently as possible.

  • Braeden Dirksen (preferred)
  • Leo Chang (preferred)

CF (Completer Finisher)

Most effectively used at the end of tasks to polish and scrutinise the work for errors, subjecting it to the highest standards of quality control.

  • Leo Chang (preferred)
  • Ronan Sandoval (preferred)

People Roles

RI (Resource Investigator)

Uses their inquisitive nature to find ideas to bring back to the team.

  • Kareem Elakkad (manageable)
  • Xinyuan Zhao (manageable)
  • Timothee Legros (manageable)

TW (Teamworker)

Helps the team to gel, using their versatility to identify the work required and complete it on behalf of the team.

  • Leo Chang (preferred)
  • Ronan Sandoval (preferred)
  • Xinyuan Zhao (preferred)

CO (Co-ordinator)

Needed to focus on the team's objectives, draw out team members and delegate work appropriately.

  • Leo Chang (manageable)
  • Ronan Sandoval (manageable)