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Meeting Minutes

Sep 14 - First Team Meeting

Sep 14, 2022, Class Time
CSC B-10


  • Meeting our team members
  • Discussing roles and opinion on tech stack


    Timothee, Kareem, Ronan, Braeden, Leo, Skyla

    Meeting Minutes

    Tech Stack

    • Front-End: React
    • Backend: NodeJS
    • Database: PostgresSQL

    Group Members

  • Timothee Legros
    • Backend: NodeJS, Postgres, Redis, RabbitMQ
    • Languages: Typescript/Javascript, Python, C, Java, Bash, SQL
  • Ronan Sandoval
    • Frontend: React, Figma
    • Languages: JS, Python, C++, Java, SQL,
  • Braeden
    • Frontend: React, balsamiq
    • Languages: Java, python, c++, JS, SQL
  • Leo
    • Frontend: React
    • Languages: Java, Python, C, SQLite
  • Skyla (Xinyuan)
    • Frontend: React
    • Languages: Java, C, python, SQL
  • Kareem
    • Backend: NodeJS, Postgres, Redis
    • Languages: JS, Java, Python, Kotlin, C++, SQL
    • Frontend: React
  • Sep 16 - Client Requirements Meeting

    Sep 16, 2022, 8:00 AM


  • Discussing project requirements with Carrie


    Timothee, Kareem, Ronan, Braeden, Leo, Skyla, Carrie

    Meeting Minutes

    Database Questions

    • Do we need to adhere to any specific data formats/models so that the data can be used for machine learning/AI in the future?
      • A normalized database is fine.

    GUI Questions

    • Does uLearnify have any design guidelines (color schemes, logos) that we will need to follow / have access to?
      • Nothing specific, James made some mock ups and did some database design. Carrie will Share.

    Questions on Authentication

    • Is username/password the only method of authentication requested? Is using any other methods of sign in such as “sign in with google” a nice to have or requirement?
      • google/ others is a nice to have
    • Besides the username and password, is there anything else that needs to be included in the student and teacher profiles?
      • Reply to -email. Pictures. Pronoun preferences. Preferred Name. Standard Identity stuff. Areas of specialization.
    • How do we verify that specific sign-ups are teachers? Do teachers need to be whitelisted, invited, etc or is it just open for anyone to become a teacher?
      • Only want sign ups for teachers. Admin in the DB to start.
      • Only admins can add other teachers and other admins to the website.
      • Admins invite teachers via email

    Questions on Authorization Levels

    • What are the different security groups? What security groups have access to which functionality? (The only security groups discussed in the document are teachers). Does an Admin role exist in the security groups?
      • Just Teacher and Admin

    Questions on Administrative Functions

    • Would a teacher be able to send an email to whomever student or teacher they want, or are there differences in access?
      • Any students they work with yes, and their parents. Can contact teachers, but need access to contact other teacher’s students.
    • For the scheduling functions, would the teacher have access to a calendar of their dates? Would a reminder notification be sent to the teacher and/or student?
      • No
    • When a teacher sends an email to students. Are there expected to be any default groups of people which receive an email(Mailing list)? Such as all students that take a certain test for example? Or do all mailing lists have to be defined by the teacher?
      • Yes, default mailing lists are nice to have though.

    Questions on Functionality

    • “The system will allow teachers to define an assessment (e.g., a test), enter student answers” : Just to confirm, this system will not be used by students at all?
      • Yes, most assessments will be oral
    • Do teachers enter the students' answers and or data manually, or do you want a way to import answers from a specific file type?
      • Yes, manually will be doing it live
    • Is an assessment associated with a teacher? Can a teacher view another teacher's assessments and or the answers of the students taking that assessment?
      • No, only admin roles can view that information.
    • Does each teacher have their own mailing list, can a teacher access another teachers mailing list?
      • Good idea to have it, otherwise let them define it.

    Other Questions

    • The project details mention they can associate test answers and other indicators with skills. What does it exactly mean to “associate”?
      • Foreign key between skills and answers
    • For other behavior indicators, (e.g. handing in things late), will this be manually entered by the teacher or will there be some form of automation?
      • Manually entered.
  • Sep 19 - Sprint 1 Prep Meeting

    Sep 19, Class Time
    CSC B-10


  • Figure out work breakdown for Sprint 1


    Timothee, Kareem, Ronan, Braeden, Leo, Skyla

    Meeting Minutes

    User Stories

  • Authentication User Stories - Kareem
  • Assessments - Skyla
  • Communication Functions - Tim
  • GUI, Information display - Ronan
  • Database - Leo
  • Authorization Levels - Braeden

    Low-Fidelity User Interface

  • Use Balasamiq
  • Skyla, Braeden, Ronan


  • Project Requirements Document - Kareem
  • Project Management Document - Kareem
  • Teamwork Document ( - Tim
  • System design - We will work on this together
  • Setting up GitHub pages - Kareem, Ronan
  • Sep 22 - Weekly Stand-Up 1

    Sep 22, 12:30 PM
    ECHA, Online


  • Ensure everything that was supposed to be done for tomorrow is done
  • Backend devs finish the system design (ER diagram)
  • Frontend devs work on the Sequence Diagram
  • Compile all the questions we have and send an email to Carrie.
  • Determine user story sizes


    Timothee, Kareem, Ronan, Braeden, Leo, Skyla

    Meeting Minutes

  • Skills can be added to students like a modal
    • Behaviours like skills, but a separate table
  • Need an admin view for storyboard, as well as teacher list
  • Need UI for adding a student
  • Admin should be a separate website? → ask Carrie
  • Is it teachers or admins who add the students?


  • Should a teacher be able to send emails to any other teacher or just those in the same school/group?
    • How do teachers discover other teachers? Can they see teachers added by the same admin or a list of all teachers in the system?
  • Who are the administrators and do they control a subset of teacher accounts i.e. do administrators control only teachers they invite?
  • How should teachers send emails e.g. via external client or directly within the web app (sendgrid)?
  • Are specific behaviors stored in the db (and a reusable) or are they more like ‘notes’ on a student profile?
    • Are behaviours reusable aka are they descriptions associated with a specific student or are they more like skills where a behaviour is added to any student profiles?
  • Do admins add students and assign them to students or do teachers add students?
    • Can admins or teachers delete student profiles?

  • Sep 29 - Weekly Standup 2

    Sep 29, 12:30 PM


  • Discuss what we've done
  • Action items --> Send Carrie an email!


    Timothee, Kareem, Ronan, Braeden, Leo, Skyla

    Meeting Minutes

    • Kareem:Swamped by assignments, I haven't started work yet. Starting this weekend
    • Tim: Setup Database/API. Also has not started US related work
    • Braeden: Completed Sidebar Functionality.
    • Ronan: Fixed Sequence Diagram Issues. Started working on the list of students
    • Leo: Waiting for UI, needs UI to start backend work. Setup cybera instance, Uploaded Cybera key onto google drive.
    • Skyla: Lots of work throughout the week, Starting work today

    • Try to access a cybera instance (For the whole team).
    • Cybera key is uploaded on the drive (Not in a hurry):
    • Sequelize Demo this weekend: 2PM on Sunday
    • Setup a meeting with Carrie
      • Tim will set up the meeting today.
  • Oct 5 - Client Sprint Prep Meeting

    Oct 5, 8:30 AM
    Google Meet


  • Overview of Sprint plan
  • Any questions we would like to ask


    Timothee, Kareem, Ronan, Braeden, Leo, Skyla, Carrie

    Meeting Minutes

    • Our plan looks good!
    • Questions:
      • Should teacher be able to send emails straight from the webapp?
        • Integrated with autocopying their email
        • Copying their professional email account
      • Behaviours? Check boxy OR detailed description
      • Admin addes students and assigns them to teachers
      • Teachers could but would require approval
      • When setting up skills, user has the option to set the type of values with it
      • Example assessments?
        • Will send some, but they greatly differ
  • Oct 6 - Weekly Standup 3

    Oct 6, 12:30 PM


  • Discuss user story progress
  • Discuss future work


    Timothee, Kareem, Ronan, Braeden, Leo, Skyla

    Meeting Minutes

    • Homepage (teacher dashboard): still in progress
    • Preliminary Student Profile: main framework made. Need to
      • Ronan and Tim will meet later to set up API stuff
    • API Question: Request everything right away when page is switched, or request as we needed?
      • Eager loading (do it upfront)
      • Let's do eager loading, can switch later if we have time.
    • Past Student Assessment List:
      • Frontend: Still figuring out. Will show at the end of day.
    • IMPORTANT: Setting up DB locally
      1. Create database: yarn create db
      2. Migrate database : creating the models : yarn migrate db
      3. Seed database : creating default data : yarn seed db
    • Creating test Forms:
      • Braeden and Tim discussing later
    • Viewing and Modifying Assessment:
      • Backend: Fiddling around. Will zoom in the next few days
      • Frontend: Set up a multiple choice version.
        • Functionally set up, need some UI fixes.
        • No need to show assessment results. Keep it simple
    • Should add more things to nice to have...
      • For example, sending emails.
    • Creating and Editing:
      • Frontend: Next on the list
    • Meet on the weekend? Meet on Sunday! 12:30 PM!
    • Tests? Do it whenever, as long as it is done.
  • Oct 13 - Weekly Standup 4

    Oct 13, 12:30 PM


  • Discuss progress and blockers
  • Prep for Sprint release


    Kareem, Ronan, Leo, Skyla

    Meeting Minutes

  • Make tests tests tests!
  • Meeting on saturday?
  • Nah let's keep things async. Stay on touch on Discord.
    • Kareem
      • API for assessment list is done
      • Started writing the tests
    • Leo
      • Still testing for skills. There is an issue with it being linked to answer_skills_association table, so deleting is an issue
      • We need to consider this for later.
    • Ronan
      • Adding and Deleting skills (though there is a bug)
      • Prevents duplicates and empty skills
    • Skyla
      • Connecting assessments with API stuff
    • No need to test requests, just the API

  • Oct 20 - Weekly Standup 5

    Oct 20, 12:30 PM


  • Discuss work done
  • Discuss blockers


    Timothee, Kareem, Ronan, Braeden, Leo, Skyla

    Meeting Minutes

    • Braeden
      • Login setup
      • Authenticates every page reload
      • Checks your token every time doing API calls
      • List of tests, with searching, adds to list when creating new tests.
    • Tim has to update things to use a token rather than teacher ID
    • Leo
      • Creating tests
      • Writing tests for test page
      • Will do admin authentication
    • Kareem
      • API for modifying assessment answers
      • Looking into signup
    • Ronan
      • UI styling
      • Behaviour indicators
      • Started working on Sign up page,
      • Will be out of service for a few days due to surgery
    • Skyla
      • Question about the need of skills on student page, seems unnecessary
      • Might swap admin login with working with skills
      • Working out with api stuff for assessments
    • Leo looking into ER diagram stuff
    • Should borrow the sign in code for sign up
    • Set up a meeting with Carrie
  • Oct 27 - Weekly Standup 6

    Oct 27, 12:30 PM


  • Discuss work done
  • Discuss any blockers


    Timothee, Kareem, Ronan, Braeden, Leo, Skyla

    Meeting Minutes

    1. Move invitation emails to next sprint
    2. Setup teacher sign-up post-invitation front-end pushed to next sprint
    3. Kareem + Skyla discuss linking behaviour API + Assessment answer creation API with front-end
    4. Kareem new API route for get MCOptions
    5. Create, Edit, Delete, Default Behaviours front-end pushed to next sprint
    6. Skyla remove stars from skills tab and replace with max range/value + when adding a skill we need to be able to add a value + display the value (skyla/leo)
    7. Leo, Tim, Kareem add doc strings in 'comments' branch
    8. Tim setup SwaggerDocs/SwaggerUI
    9. React Tests sprint 4

  • Oct 31 - Sprint 4 Prep Meeting

    Oct 31, 5:00 PM


  • Discuss plans for Sprint 4, and things we need to catch up on from Sprint 3


    Timothee, Kareem, Ronan, Braeden, Leo, Skyla

    Meeting Minutes

    • From Sprint 3 that we need to catch up on:
      • Teacher sign-up, invitation emails isn't done. Kareem and Ronan will work on it
      • Editing and deleting behaviours
      • **HIGH PRIORITY**: Need to have react component tests!
    • Sprint 4
      • Admin teacher view: Braeden
      • Admin test view: Braeden
      • Allow teachers to send emails: Ronan + Kareem
      • Schedule Assessments: Skyla + Tim
  • Make sure to communicate well between Front and Backend
  • Nov 04 - Sprint 4 Client Meeting

    Nov 04, 10:00 AM


  • Showcase current progress of project
  • Discuss any comments or concerns the client has


    Ronan, Braeden, Leo, Skyla, Carrie

    Meeting Minutes

  • Relabel it to Skill Level rather than value
    ---> Could confuse teachers.
  • Range is confusing. Should relabel it to level.
  • Connection between skill and behaviours?
    --> It is okay to keep them independent for now.
  • Make sure to have error prevention ("are you sure?" messages after deletion)
  • Generally no other comments or concerns!
  • Nov 10 - Weekly Standup 7

    Nov 10, 12:30 PM


  • Discuss work done
  • Discuss any blockers


    Timothee, Kareem, Ronan, Braeden, Leo, Skyla

    Meeting Minutes

    1. Ask carrie about teacher deletion
    2. @Timothee create tests api route for admins
    3. @Braeden link teacher view admin dashboard with api route
    4. @Timothee review 2.02 error in getTeachersList.ts route
    5. @Leo + @Braeden link create/remove teacher @Kareem @Leo @Ronan Sandoval (he/him) communicate on creating teacher
    6. @Timothee create/update/delete students api routes
    7. @Kareem MC options route linking with @xinyuan — skyla Need MC options returned in API route when for Assessment questions
    8. @Frontend API tests meeting on Saturday TBD
    9. @Timothee schedule assessment API route
    10. @Kareem Teacher + invitation emails
  • Nov 17 - Weekly Standup 8

    Nov 17, 12:30 PM


  • Discuss work done
  • Discuss any blockers


    Kareem, Ronan, Braeden, Leo, Skyla

    Meeting Minutes

  • Skyla: figuring out assessment modifying issues with Kareem
  • Kareem: Finished everything but email invitations with signup, will figure out in sprint 5.
  • Leo: Completed routes for skills, fixing up issues with tests.
  • Ronan: Finished default behaviours and emails. Issues with signup page, will figure out in sprint 5.
  • Braeden: Completed admin page functionalities

  • Nov 23 - Sprint 5 Client Meeting

    Nov 23, 9:00 AM


  • Showcase current progress of project
  • Discuss any comments or concerns the client has


    Ronan, Braeden, Leo, Skyla, Kareem, Tim, Carrie

    Meeting Minutes

    • Default Behaviours --> Change name to something else
    • Reframe "Delete Teacher" as "Hide" or "Deactivate" Teacher. Additionally, show list of "hidden" teachers - Same idea with student deletion
    • Currently, tests are only usable for the teacher that made it.
      • We should make it global, the entire pool of teachers.
    • Grade Entry for students.
      • As long as there is number validation, dropdown is not necessary
    • There should be a dropdown for currently active teachers
    • It does not hurt to give admins some viewing privileges on tests
  • Nov 28 - Weekly Standup 9

    Nov 28, 2:00 PM


  • Discuss work done
  • Discuss any blockers


    Kareem, Ronan, Braeden, Leo, Skyla, Timothee

    Meeting Minutes

    • Kareem
      • Finishing up API docs
      • Start on writing documents
    • Timothee
      • Doing bug fixing today
      • Please PR any bug fixes!
    • Skyla
      • Multiple choice is now drop-down
      • Responsive assessment list
      • Skill page is now at the top
      • Let's make the list not be blocked by the edit button
      • Editing asessments stuff and other UI updates
    • Leo
      • Need to work on delete skills stuff
      • Worked on calendar stuff API
      • Will make Get teacher API
    • Braeden
      • Teacher email to parents
      • Students don't have emails... need to update database
    • Ronan
      • Calendar UI
  • Dec 1 - Weekly Standup 10

    Dec 1, 12:30 PM


  • Discuss work done
  • Discuss any blockers


    Kareem, Ronan, Braeden, Leo, Skyla

    Meeting Minutes

    • Braeden
      • Can now view tests
      • Small fixes like assign button, UI changes
      • Error message on grade level changing
    • Skyla
      • Email invitation frontend
      • Will do UI tests
    • Leo
      • Fixing email verification
      • Trying to start deployment --> need to consult Tim
    • Ronan
      • Calendar and Behaviour stuff
      • Will do email verification, UI tests, documentation