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Project Requirements

Executive Summary

A short overview of the project (one paragraph), including the following: the problem that the product will solve (use your client’s language); value proposition (what will be the essential functionality or your product); who will use your product; how your product will be used.

Project Glossary

  • Attempt An attempt is one data entry recorded from the procedure and assigned to an experiment.

  • Common Attribute - A common attribute is a data column that all subjects have initially. It is pre-defined by the researcher’s data files that the robots create.

  • Custom Attribute - A custom attribute is a user defined data column that does not already exist in the researcher's data files created by the robots.

  • Experiment - An experiment is the collection of subjects and the attempts they have done for a scientific procedure. An example is “Spinal Damage Recovery Experiment (SDRE).”

  • Researcher - A researcher manages the experiments and subjects. They can upload data, add custom attributes, query data, and export their results to an external CSV file.

  • Result - A result is the returned attempts from a search query on some experiments. Results can be exported as an external CSV file.

  • Subject - A subject is an animal used as part of an experiment. Each subject will have a unique ID.

User Stories

US 1.01 - Authentication

As a User, I want to authenticate with my University of Alberta account, so that I can get access to the app's functionalities.

Acceptance Tests

  1. User can sign in with correct U of A credentials ( email and password)
  2. User can not sign in with correct email and incorrect password
  3. User can not sign in with incorrect email
  4. User can not sign in with a non U of A email
  5. User can not access app's functionalities without signing in

US 1.02 - View Tasks

As a User, I want to be able to see events that are currently going on for the week, so that I can attend theses events if I choose to.

Acceptance Tests

  1. User can see a list of all events for the chosen week
  2. With the selected week, user can not see events that are scheduled for other weeks
  3. User can see only active events (i.e., open for attendance)

US 1.03 - View Profile

As a User, I want to be able to view my profile, so that I can see my level, points, my history of attending events.

Acceptance Tests

  1. User can access their profile
  2. User can see their level, number of points and history of attending events in their profile
  3. Test with a zero and non-zero level
  4. Test with a zero and non-zero number of points
  5. Test with an empty, non-empty and very long (>50 items) event history


Must Have

  • US 1.03 - View Profile
  • US 2.89 - Change Password

Should Have

  • US 1.23 - Create Account

Could Have

  • US 3.21 - Delete Account

Would Like But Won't Get

  • US 9.23 - Rainbows and Unicorns

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Techincal Resources

Backend: Flask + PostgreSQL

Deployment: Docker + k8s + TravisCI

Frontend: Vue.js + Buefy