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Project Management

This page provides a general overview of the assigned tasks and roles for the duration of five sprints (subject to change).

Story Map


Project Plan

Sprint 1

Due: September 24


Task Related US Assigned To Due Date
Project Overview Documentation Leen Alzebdeh Sep 19
High-level software design (UML & ERD) Documentation Victor Nguyen, Jensen Khemchandani Sep 21
Low-fidelity user interface (Wireframes) Documentation Ronggang Cui Sep 20
User Stories and Acceptance Tests Documentation Matthew Sheydwasser, Tomas Peschke, Ronggang Cui Sep 21
Teamwork documentation Documentation Peter Qui Sep 22
Sprint Planning Documentation The full team Sep 24

Sprint 2

Due: October 15

User stories

User story Story points
REVISIONS - Address concerns/developments from previous sprint 8
SETUP - Setup frontend/backend/database layers 5
U.S 1.01 - Github Authentication 8
U.S 1.02 - Google Authentication 5
U.S 1.05 - Account Saving 13
U.S 4.03 - Dashboard 5
U.S 4.01 - Create Dev in a Box 5
U.S 4.02 - View Dev in a Boxes 3
U.S 4.08 - Git Lab Link 3
U.S 4.09 - Max Number of Developers per Instance 1
U.S 4.04 - Dev in a Box Details 3
U.S 4.05 - Dev in a Box Status Icon 1
U.S 4.13 - Editing dev in a box 3

Estimated sprint velocity: 63

NOTE: The estimated velocity for this sprint is relatively high, due to this being the longest sprint


Task Related US Assigned To Due Date
Update Project Overview for new requirements REVISIONS Leen Alzebdeh Oct 2
Update UML diagram to represent new requirements REVISIONS Jensen Khemchandani Oct 2
Update ERD to represent new requirements REVISIONS Jensen Khemchandani Oct 2
Update Sequence diagram to represent new requirements REVISIONS Victor Nguyen Oct 2
Update User stories to reflect new requirements REVISIONS Tomas Peschke Oct 2
Update Sprint planning doc to reflect new requirements REVISIONS Jensen Khemchandani Oct 2
Update Wireframe diagram to reflect new requirements REVISIONS Ronggang Cui Oct 2
Create base NestJS application codebase SETUP Matthew Sheydwasser, Jensen Khemchandani Oct 5
Create base React application codebase SETUP Tomas Peschke, Leen Alzebdeh, Ronggang Cui Oct 5
PostgreSQL database setup SETUP Jensen Khemchandani Oct 5
Create static page displaying login options (GitHub and Google) US 1.01 Peter Qui Oct 13
Implement Github authentication mechanism and redirection US 1.01 Peter Qui,Matthew Sheydwasser Oct 13
Add basic 'logout' button to dashboard page US 1.01 Peter Qui Oct 13
Implement Google authentication mechanism and redirection US 1.02 Peter Qui,Matthew Sheydwasser Oct 13
Require Authentication for backend requests US 1.05 Peter Qui,Matthew Sheydwasser Oct 13
Implement persistent sessions across backend requests US 1.05 Matthew Sheydwasser, Jensen Khemchandani Oct 13
Create static 'dashboard' page for app US 4.03 Ronggang Cui Oct 13
Display instances on the dashboard US 4.02 Ronggang Cui, Victor Nguyen Oct 13
Create 'dev in a box' creation/configuration form US 4.01 Leen Alzebdeh Oct 13
Display Gitlab link on creation US 4.08 Leen Alzebdeh Oct 13
Create 'dev in a box' details component US 4.04 Tomas Peschke Oct 13
Editing 'dev in a box' component US 4.13 Tomas Peschke Oct 13
Max Number of Developers per Instance US 4.09 Leen Alzebdeh, Tomas Peschke Oct 15
Display 'dev in a box' status on dashboard US 4.05 Ronggang Cui, Victor Nguyen Oct 15

Sprint 3

Due: October 29

User stories

User story Story points
REVISIONS - Address comments from previous sprint 8
U.S 2.02 - Creating new organizations 5
U.S 2.03 - Switching between organizations 3
U.S 2.01 - Automatic default organization 3
U.S 3.04 - Paying with Credit Card 5
U.S 3.01 - Payment information required for Organization 8
U.S 3.06 - Editing Payment information for Organization 3
U.S 4.11 - Delete 'dev in a box' 5
U.S 3.03 - Variable charging 3

Estimated sprint velocity: 43


Task Related US Assigned To Due Date
Update project documentation to address comments REVISIONS Jensen Khemchandani Oct 17
Update existing backend code to address comments REVISIONS Jensen Khemchandani, Matthew Sheydwasser Oct 18
Update existing frontend code to address comments REVISIONS Leen Alzebdeh, Ronggang Cui Oct 18
Write backend code for creating new organization U.S 2.02 Tomas Peschke Oct 18
Integrate frontend/backend for creating new organization U.S 2.02 Tomas Peschke Oct 20
Add funcionality for switching dashboard views b/w organizations U.S 2.03 Ronggang Cui Oct 21
Create automatic default organization for user on first login U.S 2.01 Peter Qui,Matthew Sheydwasser Oct 22
Create Payment information form U.S 3.01 Tomas Peschke, Leen Alzebdeh Oct 23
Create edit payment information form U.S 3.06 Tomas Peschke, Leen Alzebdeh Oct 23
Stripe integration U.S 3.01 Tomas Peschke, Leen Alzebdeh, Ronggang Cui Oct 24
Process credit card payment on 'dev in a box' creation U.S 3.04 Jensen Khemchandani, Victor Nguyen Oct 27
Configure payment amount based on configured user count U.S 3.03 Peter Qui, Victor Nguyen Oct 27
Add backend code for deleting a 'dev in a box' U.S 4.11 Jensen Khemchandani, Matthew Sheydwasser Oct 27
Add frontend components for deleting a 'dev in a box' U.S 4.11 Peter Qui, Victor Nguyen Oct 27

Sprint 4

Due: November 19

User stories

User story Story points
REVISIONS - Address comments from previous sprint 8
U.S 2.04 - Inviting new members to Organization 5
U.S 2.05 - Adjusting Roles within Organization 8
U.S 2.06 - Preserving Last Administrator 1
U.S 2.07 - Disband Organization 5
U.S 4.10 - View Subscription Schedules 2
U.S 3.04 - Paying with Credit Card 5
U.S 4.14 - Role Based User Interface Access 8
U.S 3.07 - View Payment Information Details 2
UI/UX - Revisit previously developed components and make adjustments 13

Estimated sprint velocity: 57 (Original estimate was 47)


Task Related US Assigned To Due Date
Update existing backend code to address comments REVISIONS Matthew Sheydwasser Nov 11
Update existing backend tests to address comments REVISIONS Jensen Khemchandani Nov 11
Update existing frontend code to address comment REVISIONS Peter Qui, Victor Nguyen Nov 11
Create unique login link invitation U.S 2.04 Victor Nguyen Nov 19
Setup back-end to recognize unique login link invations U.S 2.04 Jensen Khemchandani Nov 15
View existing payment details for an organization U.S 3.07 Jensen Khemchandani Nov 15
Create manage organization members button and pop-up U.S 2.05 Tomas Peschke Nov 15
Add menu displaying all members and their roles in pop-up U.S 2.05 Tomas Peschke Nov 15
Add option to edit member's role in pop-up U.S 2.05 Tomas Peschke Nov 15
Prevent edit member role UI from allowing removal of last admin U.S 2.06 Ronggang Cui Nov 11
Prevent non-admins from accessing critical organization resources U.S 4.14 Ronggang Cui Nov 18
Include back-end check that prevents removal of last admin U.S 2.06 Matthew Sheydwasser Nov 11
Create button and confirmation UI for deleting organization U.S 2.07 Peter Qui Nov 15
Setup back-end to delete related objects upon org deletion U.S 2.07 Matthew Sheydwasser Nov 15
Show subscription schedule in edit box UI U.S 4.10 Jensen Khemchandani Nov 15
Hook-up Stripe back-end with front-end U.S 3.04 Jensen Khemchandani Nov 15
Remodel buttons UI/UX Ronggang Cui Nov 19
Remodel dashboard UI/UX Victor Nguyen Nov 20
Remodel Navigation Bar UI/UX Peter Qui Nov 19
Remodel Forms UI/UX Leen Alzebdeh Nov 19
Remodel Pop-Ups UI/UX Leen Alzebdeh Nov 19

Sprint 5

Due: December 3

User stories

User story Story points
REVISIONS - Address concerns/developments from previous sprint 13
SETUP - Docker dev/deployment environment configuration 5
U.S 4.13 - Reconfigure monthly payment on user count change 2
U.S 3.06 - Modify 'manage org' tooling to notify stripe API 2
SETUP - Make project presentation 13

Estimated sprint velocity: 35 (Original estimate was 41)


Task Related US Assigned To Due Date
Ensure that all app features are working together in harmony REVISIONS Everyone Dec. 1
Ensure the app is deployed and available on Cybera REVISIONS Everyone Dec. 1
Clean up repo in preparation for client hand-off REVISIONS Leen Alzebdeh Dec. 2
Update 'manage org' tooling to notify stripe API on email change U.S 3.06 Jensen Khemchandani Dec. 1
Update 'Edit' tooling to update subscription on user count change U.S 4.13 Matthew Sheydwasser Dec. 1
Create project presentation / screencast SETUP Everyone Dec. 3
Create detailed deployment and setup documentation SETUP Jensen Khemchandani Dec. 2
Create Github Actions to run unit tests Revisions Victor Nguyen Dec. 2