Software Design
This page includes a short description of the overall architecture style of the system, its high-level system components, and their logical (what data they exchange) and control (how they invoke each other) dependencies.
Architecture Diagram
This is a short description of the system architecture.
Entity Relationship Diagram
This is a short description of the application's database structure and relationships.
NOTE: The following diagram contains entities that are external to our application (not developed by us), but are essential components of the system, and therefore must be represented in the ERD (Stripe and the ZeroRampUp Dev In a Box Environment).
The following links provide more insight into Stripe's Customer and PaymentMethod entities (which are represented in the diagram below)
UML Class Diagram
This is a short description of logical entities of the domain in a UML diagram.
Sequence Diagrams
Multiple sequence diagrams depicting the most important scenarios.
UI Design Plan
Figma mock-up depicting what we expect for the end result.
Low-Fidelity User interface
At this stage, it’s important to show the overall look and feel of your app, as well as the high-level user-interaction design. Low-fidelity wireframes are usually black and white Looking at the wireframes, anyone should be able to get an idea of what will be developed.