Team Project Marking: Sprint 1

For the first sprint, you will deliver:


Your documentation must be stored as markdown files in the /docs folder in the main branch of your GitHub repository. Use mkdocs and GitHub Pages to deploy the documentation.

Example #1:

Example #2: this site you are reading.

Note that the examples are just examples and not gold standards for marking.

You might also start implementation.

Late release submission policy

Applies to all sprints.

If a sprint release is late for less than 24 hours: penalty of 5 marks.

If late for more than 24 hours: penalty at the instuctor's discretion, min. 10 marks.


Deliverable Marks
Project overview 10
User stories 20
High-level software design 15
Low-fidelity user interface 15
Sprint planning 15
Teamwork 15
Formatting 10
Total 100

Project overview

  • Executive summary is clear, understandable, and concrete
  • Glossary is clear and complete
  • List of similar products is comprehensive, their functionalities are analyzed, with comments on how they may be used for code or inspiration
  • Relevant open source projects are analyzed, with comments on how they may be used for code or inspiration
  • List of useful technical resources is comprehensive

User stories

  • Standard notation is used, numbering is consistent, user stories are categorized (e.g. grouped by feature)
  • Complexity of each user story is estimated using story points
  • The set of user stories is complete and relevant, it clearly demonstrates how exactly client requirements will be met
  • Each user story is accompanied by viable acceptance tests
  • User stories are prioritized using the MoSCoW method for the Minimum Viable Product (MVP) in a feasible way

High-level software design

  • High-level system architecture is clearly defined
  • Major data elements are clearly defined (using UML Class diagram, or ER diagram)
  • Most important interaction scenarios are clearly defined (using UML Sequence diagrams)
  • Detailed list of technologies that will be used in the project is provided

Low-fidelity user interface

  • Low-fidelity wireframes clearly show the concepts of future functionalities
  • Low-fidelity wireframes cover all user stories (user stories are labeled on the wireframe with their numbering)
  • Navigation paths are clearly explained (using UI flow diagrams)

Sprint planning

  • Storymap clearly represents the project and includes all five sprints. Story map has to include all user stories (Must do, Should do, Could do and Won't do) with proper categorization and numbering.
  • Project plan clearly shows the major milestones to be accomplished for all five sprints, including deadlines
  • User stories are included in the project plan for Sprints 2 to 5
  • Estimated velocity is calculated for Sprints 2 to 5
  • Detailed Github Issues for Sprints 1 and 2 correspond with the storymap and project plan, have relevant states, milestones, labels and assignees


  • Meeting minutes exist for all meetings and include all required information
  • Team is working well with the client (evidence would include the TA being CC'ed on client communications and meeting minutes)
  • Team Canvas provides a clear overview of the team's profile
  • Scrum roles are defined for the sprint (in their own section, separate of the team canvas)
  • Belbin roles are defined for each team member


  • All documents are consistently formatted and carefully proofread