
Think about the screencast as a marketing vehicle for your project. Keep it short enough and engaging, be creative. Your goal is to demo your system in the best possible way.

It will be posted on the CMPUT 401 portal and YouTube channel, you may use it for your portfolio.

Upload your screencast to your Google Drive (preferably, in HD) and post the link in your Github repo. Include in the filename your team name.


Deliverable Marks
Product demo 4
Organization 4
Script 4
Visual appeal and creativity 4
Audio quality 4
Total 20

Product demo

  • The screencast shows the product in action and demonstrates its main features
  • The main idea of the product is clearly communicated


  • The screencast is well organized and easy to follow
  • Timing of the screencast is optimal (not too long, not too short)
  • The level of detail is appropriate


  • The script is clear and concise
  • There are no spelling or grammar mistakes
  • Script includes voice over and text in the video

Visual appeal and creativity

  • The screencast is visually appealing and creative
  • The screencast engages the audience

Audio quality

  • The audio quality is good
  • The voice is clear and easy to understand
  • The voice is not a computer generated voice (0 if computer generated)
  • No copyright music is used

Possible Deductions

  • Team name is not in the filename
  • No voice over in the video
  • Using computer generated voices
  • Use of copyright music