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Meeting Minutes

πŸ“ CSC B-10

Agenda πŸ“‹

  • Deliverables
  • Roles
  • Questions about Project Requirements
  • Client questions

Attendees πŸ‘©β€πŸ’» πŸ§‘β€πŸ’»

  • Charffy Wang
  • Michael Huang
  • Pranjal Dilip Naringrekar (TA)
  • Rylan Chin
  • Shasta Johnsen-Sollos
  • Vardan Saini
  • Vivek Malhotra
  • Yutong Liu

Minutes πŸ•‘


First Sprint deliverables:

  • URL:
  • Project Requirements document
  • An early version of the Software Design document (focusing on high-level architectural design)
  • Project Management document
  • Teamwork document

Email client to ask for feedback and to let them add/remove/change things

Initial mkdocs setup


Product Owner Scrum Master Front End Engineers Back End Engineers
Vardan Charffy Charffy Rylan
Michael Shasta
Vivek Vardan

Other - Introductions - Checked Discord - Checked GitHub - Updated meeting time with client - Verified multi-use release form submitted

Action Items

Member Tasks
Charffy Clean up meeting minutes, Teamwork Document
Michael Teamwork Document
Rylan Set up mkdocs, Teamwork Document
Shasta Teamwork Document
Vardan Teamwork Document
Vivek Teamwork Document, Team Canvas
Yutong Teamwork Document

πŸ“ CSC 2-42

Agenda πŸ“‹

  • Eliciting requirements
    • Application questions
      • Mobile responsive?
      • Nav flow
      • Front end preference?
    • Should all project files be in one repo? Etc
    • User authentication
    • UI role differences?
    • Data import/usage
    • Data display/layout/functionality
  • Any Similar applications?

Attendees πŸ‘©β€πŸ’» πŸ§‘β€πŸ’»

  • Charffy Wang
  • Ildar Akhmetov (Client)
  • Michael Huang
  • Pranjal Dilip Naringrekar (TA)
  • Rylan Chin
  • Shasta Johnsen-Sollos
  • Vardan Saini
  • Vivek Malhotra
  • Yutong Liu

Minutes πŸ•‘

Eliciting requirements

Application Questions:

  1. Should the application be mobile-responsive, or solely web-based?
    • Web-based
  2. What would you like to see upon first opening the page? What information/functionality?

    • The dashboard
    • Some tiles/charts/large buttons: can quickly access all the high level information
    • Clicking can lead to more in-depth information (Something like google analytics)
  3. Would container deployment (Docker) be acceptable for the final product?

    • Docker would be acceptable for development.
    • We could potentially deploy the application using Docker within a Cybera instance for the final product as well.
  4. We would like to use either react or next.js or svelte for the front end, is there a preference?
    • Backend: FastAPI + MongoDB
    • Frontend: Svelte

User Authentication:

  • Use eclass (Google OAuth2) to login
  • We will have two types of accounts: superuser and regular user.
    • Superuser: the instructor, who can grant permission / create and delete accounts. (Can use the MongoDB Shell to create accounts or a REST API endpoint.)
    • Regular: the TAs (or other instructors), who can see and perform all other actions aside from account management.

UI different based on role?

  • All users see the same UI.
  • Although the superuser may have a separate admin panel.
  • This depends on if we implement account management within the app or from the outside (mongo shell, REST API, etc.)

Data import/usage:

  1. Where do we import data from?
    • The client will send us all the data for testing.
    • Everything comes from CSV:
      • Personal experience, working experience, Belbin role...
  2. How can we get access to the GitHub Analytics?
    • The client will provide access to github repos.

Data display/layout/functionality

  • Unite of time: sprint
  • For each sprint, display performance in three levels:
    • class
    • teams
    • students
  • For each team: enter/display TA notes, view github analytics
  • For each team: display peer-review report, personal profile

Red Flag:

  1. How would you like us to determine red flags?
    • Should be customizable, can use power table in REACT or Plotly Dash.

Action Items

Member Tasks
Charffy Enter/Clean up meeting notes
Michael Enter meeting notes
Rylan Enter meeting notes
Shasta Enter meeting notes
Vardan Enter meeting notes
Vivek Enter meeting notes, upload Team Canvas
Yutong Enter meeting notes

πŸ“ CSC B-10

Agenda πŸ“‹

  • Ask client about meeting minutes, whose meeting minutes and how to upload it.
  • Ask where we should store our meeting minutes.
  • Ask TA about sequence diagram.
  • Ask client what high level data he wants to see in the first page of dashboard.
  • Separate red flag user story into display red flags and customize red flags.
  • Assign story points.

Attendees πŸ‘©β€πŸ’» πŸ§‘β€πŸ’»

  • Charffy Wang
  • Ildar Akhmetov (Client)
  • Michael Huang
  • Pranjal Dilip Naringrekar (TA)
  • Rylan Chin
  • Shasta Johnsen-Sollos
  • Vardan Saini
  • Vivek Malhotra
  • Yutong Liu

Minutes πŸ•‘

Import Meeting Minutes:

  • use the method you feel managebale
  • We should store our important meeting minutes (client, lab meetings) on our MKDocs.

Red Flag:

  • not sure yet, can talk about it later

User Story:

  • Need to finalize user stories first.

Action Items

Member Tasks
Charffy make mkdocs for meeting minutes, create backlog board for user stories on GitHub
Michael open issues for user stories until user story map is ready, edit user stories on mkdocs (in project requirement doc)
Rylan make mkdocs for project requirement doc
Shasta make user story map
Vardan organize meeting minutes, wireframe
Vivek UML class diagram, wireframe
Yutong sequence diagram

πŸ“ CSC 2-42

Agenda πŸ“‹

  • Ask client about UI requirement
  • Should we have searching feature?
  • How to get the latest data from github?
  • Visibility of previous data
  • Red Flag
  • Assign TA to Teams

Attendees πŸ‘©β€πŸ’» πŸ§‘β€πŸ’»

  • Charffy Wang
  • Ildar Akhmetov (Client)
  • Michael Huang
  • Rylan Chin
  • Shasta Johnsen-Sollos
  • Vardan Saini
  • Vivek Malhotra
  • Yutong Liu

Minutes πŸ•‘

UI Requirement:

  • What data to display?
    • for class:
      • team list (within this class only)
      • student list (within this class only)
      • sortable table: top performing students
    • for teams:
      • github analytics: number of commits
      • github analytics: lines of code
      • Sortable/filterable table: top performing students (based on peer-review score)
      • TA notes
    • for students:
      • personal information
      • github analytics: number of commits
      • github analytics: lines of code
      • peer-review score (show who grants the score)
      • peer-review comments (show who comments)
      • experience form short answers
    • client's comments on wireframe:
      • remove the team and student buttons in the nav bar (course selecting page)
      • show team/student list only within the class
      • want to have sortable tables

Searching Feature:

  • searching team in a class is not necessary
  • searching student in a class is nice to have

Data Update:

  • use live data: page can automatically fetch latest data from github
  • use cached data: store latest data somewhere
  • if too hard: use a button to load data from github

Visibility of Previous Data:

  • Privacy issue: view data of current students/teams only in this course
  • Vacancy issue: if a student left a team/course, then only show his/her data when he/she was present

Red Flag:

  • removed

Assign TA:

  • TAs can only view/comment assigned teams

Action Items

Member Tasks
Charffy organize and update meeting minutes mkdocs
Michael work on authentication
Rylan backend setup
Shasta read rubrics and modify documents
Vardan frontend setup, github analytics API setup
Vivek modify wireframe
Yutong read rubrics and modify documents

πŸ“ CSC B-10

Agenda πŸ“‹

  • Sprint 2 Deliverables
  • Feedback from Sprint 1
  • Frontend: add a shared css file in lib folder

Attendees πŸ‘©β€πŸ’» πŸ§‘β€πŸ’»

  • Charffy Wang
  • Ildar Akhmetov (Client)
  • Michael Huang
  • Rylan Chin
  • Shasta Johnsen-Sollos
  • Vivek Malhotra
  • Yutong Liu
  • Pranjal Dilip Naringrekar

Minutes πŸ•‘

Feedback from Sprint 1:

  • User stories:
    • US 3.03: add description for β€˜Import Different Kinds of CSV File’
    • US 3.02: add description for β€˜Import Google Sheets Data’.
  • Move plotly dash and mongodb to Technical Resources in Project Requirement Doc
  • Add user story number in Story map - Project Management Doc
  • Add tabs for meeting minutes doc (by dates), don’t make the page so long
  • Add tabs for user stories - Project Requirement Doc
  • Need a team name


  • Bug: MKdocs not working!!! Showing 404:
  • Bug: Login window doesn’t pop up in google chrome, but works in firefox.


  • Use libraries in svelte to build nav bar, so we can save some time to implement other functionalities: bulma

Action Items

Member Tasks
Charffy Implement tabs in mkdocs to reduce page length, bulma
Michael Fixed bug in login page, logout
Rylan Student data endpoint(s), Finish auth endpoint
Shasta Fix documentation -> done, Figure out the DNS error with the GitHub authentication
Vardan Github analytics api to backend
Vivek Build page for student, Look into plotly dash
Yutong Github analytics api

πŸ“ CSC 2-45

Agenda πŸ“‹

  • Figma Feedback
  • Where to upload csv file
  • Talk about figma feedback from the client
  • Ask client for testing data (marks…)
  • Should the TA notes be fetched from google docs? Or the TA can manually enter the notes on the web

Attendees πŸ‘©β€πŸ’» πŸ§‘β€πŸ’»

  • Charffy Wang
  • Ildar Akhmetov (Client)
  • Michael Huang
  • Pranjal Dilip Naringrekar (TA)
  • Rylan Chin
  • Shasta Johnsen-Sollos
  • Vardan Saini
  • Vivek Malhotra
  • Yutong Liu

Minutes πŸ•‘

Sprint 2 Update:

  • Sort teams: team names (alphabetical order)
  • view class github analytics:
    • github l.o.c: expensive operation, so only fetch it once and cache it.
  • potential security issues discussed
  • demo of all the work so far
  • logout button; add it in the user name drop down
  • code refactoring discussed
  • testing discussed
  • data connection to the frontend discussed
  • frontend env issues discussed

Action Items

Member Tasks
Charffy Personal student page, fetching data from backend
Michael Refactoring, Fix nav bar
Rylan Github authentication, Student endpoints
Shasta Backend testing
Vardan Google authentication
Vivek Students page, fetching data from backend
Yutong Individual team page, refactor

πŸ“ CSC B-10

Agenda πŸ“‹

  • How to sort teams
  • Modify view class github analytics user story: no github analytics for class
  • Keep I.O.C or not
  • Add logout button

Attendees πŸ‘©β€πŸ’» πŸ§‘β€πŸ’»

  • Charffy Wang
  • Ildar Akhmetov (Client)
  • Rylan Chin
  • Shasta Johnsen-Sollos
  • Vivek Malhotra
  • Vardan Saini

Minutes πŸ•‘

Figma Feedback:

  • Personal-student page: keep the three sections in the left column, make the middle session include 3 sub sections:
    • Student experience
    • Student expectation
    • How…
  • Make each section adjust its size automatically, if the content is too much, display β€˜read more’ to extend the length of the section (vertical resizable, automatic)
    • no scroll bars
  • Boxplot:
    • Have one sample
    • Nice to have: show average line
  • data
    • for the whole course
      • for github
      • student info
  • for each sprint
    • when import the csv, have to show the date for the sprint, it can be used later for getting github commits
  • make sure csv import stuff can be abstracted later
  • add a edit course page:
    • logo not required (optional)
    • Need a link to student’s team in student’s page
    • breadcrumbs are should have
    • Need calendar input for sprints
    • used for importing csv file
    • csv files can be added from a form (google form) or csv files
    • set sprint dates
  • first prototype:
    • print log in the console (or print on the page)
  • Github authentication
    • Through GitHub Apps.
    • This is the same process that the CMPUT 401 webpage uses, so the client is already familiar with how to set it up. They could even just use the same app.
    • Note: this is how we’ve currently implemented GitHub authentication, so no changes are required.
  • UI: breadcrumb: Should have
  • Testing:
    • Selenium
    • Unit Test:
      • Consider azure pipelines, highly recommended

Action Items

Member Tasks
Charffy Individual team page layout, Import plotly dash plots/charts
Michael Refactoring, Fix nav bar
Rylan Github authentication, Student endpoints
Shasta Github authentication
Vardan Google authentication
Vivek Figma Design for Course Edit page (uploading csv file)
Yutong Import plotly dash plots/charts into page columns

πŸ“ CSC B-10

Agenda πŸ“‹

  • Sprint 2 demo, get feedback from TA
  • Sprint 3 deliverables
  • Fix Alignment

Attendees πŸ‘©β€πŸ’» πŸ§‘β€πŸ’»

  • Charffy Wang
  • Ildar Akhmetov (Client)
  • Michael Huang
  • Pranjal Dilip Naringrekar (TA)
  • Rylan Chin
  • Shasta Johnsen-Sollos
  • Vardan Saini
  • Vivek Malhotra
  • Yutong Liu

Minutes πŸ•‘

Sprint 2 Demo Feedback:

  • Design
    • design is detailed and complete
  • Codebase
    • primary navigation and placeholders are setup

Sprint 3 Deliverables:

  • UI/UX:
    • logout button
    • Add place for uploading meeting minutes
    • Force to use a template
  • Admin:
    • Professor: has access to admin portal
  • Fix students page banner

Action Items

Member Tasks
Charffy peer-review table
Michael setup logout button
Rylan csv parsing
Shasta TA notes (backend)
Vardan authentication
Vivek Refactor students page to fit new banner and side navigation
Yutong Refactor personal student page/ fix link in teams/students page

πŸ“ CSC 2-42

Agenda πŸ“‹

  • Sprint 2 demo, get feedback from client
  • Ask client about
    • how to customize dashboard
    • how/where to upload/display meeting minutes on UI
    • Feedback from UI
    • how to display form submission for the whole class
    • Connection questions to the backend

Attendees πŸ‘©β€πŸ’» πŸ§‘β€πŸ’»

  • Charffy Wang
  • Ildar Akhmetov (Client)
  • Michael Huang
  • Rylan Chin
  • Shasta Johnsen-Sollos
  • Vardan Saini
  • Vivek Malhotra
  • Yutong Liu

Minutes πŸ•‘

How to customize the dashboard

  • still not sure
  • potentially customizable: can add/remove blocks
  • should be easy enough (don’t have to calculate x,y) to be done in source code
  • keep our current code, but write a documentation to explain how to customize the UI
  • the code needs to be readable and maintainable
  • don’t have to consider about the block’s features

Meeting Minutes

  • Where to display:
  • in individual team page, below students list
    • How to obtain:
      • parse to get the team’s mkdocs url
      • use format like: β€œ”
      • already know the team’s repo name
      • '' is hardcoded
    • Optional:
      • if the team has no meeting minutes, leave it an empty box

Form Submission

  • get updates from a csv url
  • display the number of submissions of the whole class
  • already know the number of students in the class
  • keep our current code, but write a documentation to explain how to customize the UI

TA Notes

  • ask TA how she wants it to be displayed


  • move the authentication to the backend, only send confirmation (not token) to the frontend


  • ignore the sprint marks for now (nice to have feature)
  • write an instruction for client to run Capstone Dashboard locally

Action Items

Member Tasks
Charffy fetch TA notes from backend and display
Michael setup logout button
Rylan csv posting to backend
Shasta create endpoints for fetching all sprints and all courses
Vardan session and cookies trial
Vivek csv posting from front end complete
Yutong fix links among pages

πŸ“ Google Meet

Agenda πŸ“‹

  • Sprint 3 updates

Attendees πŸ‘©β€πŸ’» πŸ§‘β€πŸ’»

  • Charffy Wang
  • Michael Huang
  • Rylan Chin
  • Shasta Johnsen-Sollos
  • Vardan Saini
  • Vivek Malhotra
  • Yutong Liu

Minutes πŸ•‘

Sprint 3 Updates

  • Authentiation is moved to the backend
  • Add course page is done
  • Need to write logic in backend to send student's number of commits based on dates
    • for bar chart
  • get updates from a csv url
  • Fix UI links
  • Fix logo
  • Backend separate meetings
  • Frontend separate meetings

Action Items

Member Tasks
Charffy implement popup for TA notes
Michael logout, generalize layouts
Rylan csv posting to backend testing
Shasta improve backend error handling and add more detailed integration and unit tests
Vardan form submission, logout
Vivek csv posting page
Yutong add students and teams table to course page, fix link in teams page

πŸ“ CSC B-10

Agenda πŸ“‹

  • Sprint 3 Demo
  • Sprint 4 Deliverables

Attendees πŸ‘©β€πŸ’» πŸ§‘β€πŸ’»

  • Charffy Wang
  • Michael Huang
  • Rylan Chin
  • Shasta Johnsen-Sollos
  • Vardan Saini
  • Vivek Malhotra
  • Yutong Liu
  • Pranjal Dilip Naringrekar (TA)

Minutes πŸ•‘

Sprint 4 Deliverables

  • Ask client about:
    • How to set up admin portal
  • Primary tasks: feedback form/ comments
  • Meeting minutes box:
    • Contains links to all meeting minutes
    • Click a link go to next page where displays that meeting minutes

Sprint 3 demo feedback:

  • Adjust the box size in the personal student page
  • Ask client about what data to display for the TBD chart in team’s page
  • Make logout fully functionally

Action Items

Member Tasks
Charffy Updating TA notes
Michael Implement meeting minutes UI
Rylan CSV export
Shasta Start looking into fetching meeting minutes through the backend.
Vardan Authentication
Vivek Implemented Draggable cards on all pages except individual team
Yutong TA-notes display&update

πŸ“ Google Meet

Agenda πŸ“‹

  • Get feedback from the client about his user experience
  • Demo the features of our current admin portal

Attendees πŸ‘©β€πŸ’» πŸ§‘β€πŸ’»

  • Charffy Wang
  • Michael Huang
  • Rylan Chin
  • Shasta Johnsen-Sollos
  • Vardan Saini
  • Vivek Malhotra
  • Yutong Liu
  • Ildar Akhmetov (Client)

Minutes πŸ•‘


  • Answer client’s question about how to create a course locally
  • Explain the data structure to the client
    • each created course will have a collection
  • Question about admin portal:
    • live demo the features our admin portal has so far
    • client is happy about the current features, may think about adding extra features later
  • How to bring real data to the dashboard
    • adding a course (backend): use Post instead of Put
    • remove hardcoded courseName in frontend.
  • Form submission:
    • iFrame is not a good option for a dynamic website
  • Feedback for UI:
    • remove scroll bars for the boxes
    • Individual Team page:
      • add peer review box plot in team’s page
      • add an extra column of average peer review rating in the table in team’s page
      • student name in team’s page is github username: needs to be changed to real name
    • All Teams page:
      • Bar chart for github commits
      • Box plot for team score (each team has a box: peer review rating)
  • Main Task:
    • be able to upload real data
  • Set up client meetings for next week
    • Wednesday - 2pm
    • Friday - 11am

Action Items

Member Tasks
Charffy Fetch student real name for team page table
Michael Integrate meeting minutes endpoint into frontend
Rylan Csv Export
Shasta Create endpoints for managing meeting minutes
Vardan Form Submission
Vivek Fix UI inconsistencies
Yutong Fix TA-note display and refactor team page

πŸ“ Google Meet

Agenda πŸ“‹

  • Demo latest changes based on Ildar’s feedback from last meeting (using nested-boxplot branch)
  • Walk through and debug the process of using real data together with Ildar
  • Ask any further questions:
    • Is it okay for meeting minutes to not be sorted by sprint? So all of them would be displayed for any given sprint. Our current method of fetching them from GitHub pages does not guarantee any sort of reliable date format that we can sort by

Attendees πŸ‘©β€πŸ’» πŸ§‘β€πŸ’»

  • Charffy Wang
  • Michael Huang
  • Rylan Chin
  • Shasta Johnsen-Sollos
  • Vardan Saini
  • Vivek Malhotra
  • Yutong Liu
  • Ildar Akhmetov (Client)

Minutes πŸ•‘

  • Round floats
  • Handle student name formats name - email vs email - name
  • Maybe sort boxplots by median
  • Consider handling big data in boxplots (display everything without having to scroll)
  • Rename cancel button eg β€œclose”
  • Handle NaN fields from the CSV import
  • Fuzzy parse dates and rely on format enforcing
  • Edge case of student who doesn’t fill out peer review but others review them
  • Change button name from β€˜Cancel’ to β€˜Back’ in course edit page
  • Make uploading file draggable in course edit page
  • Add sprint number besides timestamp for TA notes

Action Items

Member Tasks
Charffy Fix peer review boxplot in team page
Michael Add UI tests
Rylan Fix csv import empty fields, Investigate peer review edge case, Address new csv format
Shasta Parse dates from MKDocs for separating meeting minutes into sprints
Vardan Re-add github refresh button, Merge auth features into dev
Vivek Implemented grouped box plots and sortable plotly graphs
Yutong Logout frontend for auth

πŸ“ CSC B-10

Agenda πŸ“‹

  • Sprint 4 Updates
  • Sprint 4 Semi-Demo

Attendees πŸ‘©β€πŸ’» πŸ§‘β€πŸ’»

  • Charffy Wang
  • Michael Huang
  • Rylan Chin
  • Shasta Johnsen-Sollos
  • Vardan Saini
  • Vivek Malhotra
  • Yutong Liu
  • Pranjal Dilip Naringrekar (TA)

Minutes πŸ•‘

  • Feedback from Sprint 4 Demo:
    • Add asterisk fields in Edit Course page
    • Remove β€˜Edit Course’ button in other pages
    • Remove β€˜Edit Team’ button in Team page
    • Refactor Team page
      • Adjust box sizes

Action Items

Member Tasks
Charffy Remove Edit Team button in Team page, Relocate β€˜Add notes’ button for TA notes
Michael Start looking into deployment on Cybera
Rylan Complete the CSV export task
Shasta Add tests for backend authentication
Vardan Work on the form submission backend/frontend
Vivek Show only assigned courses to the users, Finished front end and back end, Shasta wrote tests
Yutong Fix TA-note display and refactor team page

πŸ“ Athabasca Hall 3-28

Agenda πŸ“‹

  • Problem with deployment on Cybera
  • Demo the current web features

Attendees πŸ‘©β€πŸ’» πŸ§‘β€πŸ’»

  • Charffy Wang
  • Rylan Chin
  • Shasta Johnsen-Sollos
  • Vardan Saini
  • Vivek Malhotra
  • Ildar Akhmetov (Client)

Minutes πŸ•‘

  • Deployment on cybera issue -> Get the domain name (DNS) on cybera
  • Test out github data -> Show last time fetched data from github
    • Provide instructions for Ildar to test out with his own data
  • Question about placement of export button -> general β€œmanage course” button with functionality inside
  • No need to adjust the box size for TA notes and Meeting Minutes
    • The Modal can be opened for displaying the content
  • Nice to have:
    • add hints when hovering over buttons (tooltips)
  • Make sure the project is ready to be open sourced
  • Deployment doc should have .env documentation among other things
  • Client will add the team to a new github organization, to again access to the open source repo
  • Change β€œedit course” page title to β€˜manage course data’ and β€œedit course” button to β€œmanage course”

Action Items

Member Tasks
Charffy Transfer meeting minutes to mkdocs
Michael Add UI tests, Fix UI tests where needed, Use Cybera DNS on Docker deployment
Rylan N/A
Shasta Store and display a timestamp for the most recent update to the GitHub commits, Work on end of sprint documentation
Vardan Finish the form submission task
Vivek Change the edit course button/page to manage course
Yutong Refactor the teams page on the frontend

πŸ“ CSC B-10

Agenda πŸ“‹

  • Sprint 4 updates
  • Github setup
  • Sprint 4 demo

Attendees πŸ‘©β€πŸ’» πŸ§‘β€πŸ’»

  • Charffy Wang
  • Rylan Chin
  • Shasta Johnsen-Sollos
  • Vardan Saini
  • Vivek Malhotra
  • Ildar Akhmetov (Client)
  • Michael Huang
  • Yutong Liu
  • Pranjal Dilip Naringrekar (TA)

Minutes πŸ•‘

  • Github Open Source
    • Make a fresh copy of the team repo (do this towards the end of the sprint, after code freeze)
    • Transfer all open issues
    • So other people can contribute to them
    • Documentation
      • Job description will stay on original repo, all other sprint 5 documentation should be moved to the open source repo
      • Keep a template for the meeting minutes
    • Transfer Github Action
      • keep testing pipeline
      • remove deployment pipeline
  • Feedback from sprint 4 demo
    • Frontend:
      • change the format of the TA notes
      • make boxes draggable in individual team page
      • make the github commit box in personal student page smaller (and make the number bigger)
    • Bug:
      • fix the authentication issue - it backs to the login page when trying to add a course
    • Make the refreshing token work

Action Items

Member Tasks
Charffy User manual for frontend, Polish UI
Michael Deployment documentation
Rylan Polish backend, Job description
Shasta User manual for backend, Backend refinement
Vardan Prepare repo for open source, Refresh tokens
Vivek docs/diagrams
Yutong Add project to cmput 401 portal

πŸ“ Google Meet

Agenda πŸ“‹

  • Ildar's bug with course creation

Attendees πŸ‘©β€πŸ’» πŸ§‘β€πŸ’»

  • Rylan Chin
  • Shasta Johnsen-Sollos
  • Vardan Saini
  • Vivek Malhotra
  • Ildar Akhmetov (Client)
  • Michael Huang
  • Yutong Liu

Minutes πŸ•‘

  • Addressed special characters
  • Addressed double course creation
  • Docker seems to put mongo on a different port across runs
  • User collection is capped somehow

Action Items

Member Tasks
Charffy Fix github fetch, Fix TA notes update, Make boxes in team page draggable
Michael Work on deployment documentation
Rylan Abort course create early when attempting to duplicate course to prevent inconsistent states
Shasta Add endpoints for deleting sprints and courses
Vardan Fix refresh Oauth issues on front-endAdded, test for Oauth, Cleaned backend
Vivek Fix bugs, Added nice to have features, Front end clean up
Yutong Fix github fetch, Fix TA notes update, Make boxes in team page draggable

πŸ“ CSC B-10

Agenda πŸ“‹

  • Sprint 5 updates
  • Review sprint 5 deliverables

Attendees πŸ‘©β€πŸ’» πŸ§‘β€πŸ’»

  • Rylan Chin
  • Charffy Wang
  • Shasta Johnsen-Sollos
  • Vardan Saini
  • Vivek Malhotra
  • Pranjal Dilip Naringrekar (TA)
  • Michael Huang
  • Yutong Liu

Minutes πŸ•‘

  • Add use case for each functionality in user manual
  • Make sure all testing work
  • Deployment
  • Perhaps meet with Ildar once more to show him the final product.

Action Items

Member Tasks
Charffy User manual, meeting minutes for sprint 5
Michael Deployment instructions
Rylan Job description
Shasta User manual, Update MKDocs for sprint 5
Vardan Migrate to the open source repository
Vivek Update Figma design
Yutong Add project to 401 portal

Google Drive:

Sprint 1

Sprint 2

Sprint 3

Sprint 4

Sprint 5