User Manual

General Operations



Topics (Students and Contributors)

Here you can view a list of topics available in the system.

Each topic can be clicked to reveal learning outcomes that are available for each topic.


User-Type Specific Operations


Generate Quiz




This is the topics table. Here you are able to see a list of questions in the system. As a Professor/Instructor, you may do the following actions on this table.

  • Add Topics

  • Edit Topics

  • Delete Topics

  • Add Learning Outcomes for a Topic

  • Refresh Topics table

As a Professor/Instructor, you'll have full access to all the functionalities stated above.

Adding Topics

Clicking on the "Add Box" icon, a textfield below the lowest possible row will appear.

Here, you can add topic name you want, given that the topic you are adding does not already exist.


After entering the topic name, you can click the Tick icon to add the topic into the system or click the Cross icon to cancel the operation. A Snackbar notification will appear at the bottom to indicate whether the operation was successful.

Error Handling:

If a topic name that already exist in the system is being submitted, a red error Snackbar notifcation will appear at the bottom to indicate that the operation was not successful.

Editing Topics

Clicking on the Pencil Icon, the textfield of the chosen topic will be editable.


After entering the topic name, you can click the Tick icon to add the topic into the system or click the Cross icon to cancel the operation. A Snackbar notification will appear at the bottom to indicate whether the operation was successful.

Error Handling:

If a topic name that already exist in the system is being submitted, a red error Snackbar notifcation will appear at the bottom to indicate that the operation was not successful.

Deleting Topics

Clicking on the Trash Icon will the delete the topic from the system. Note: This does not actually deletes the topic from the system but the question is set to hidden. The topic will have to be unhidden in order to "add" the topic back to the system.



This is the questions table. Here you are able to see a list of questions in the system. Depending on your user type, you may do the following actions on this table:

  • Add Questions    addbox24pxsvg

  • Edit Questions    create24pxsvg

  • View Questions    visibility24pxsvg

  • Delete Questions    deleteoutline24pxsvg

  • Comment on Questions        

  • Rate Questions

  • Refresh Question table

As a Contributor, you'll have full access to all the functionalities stated above. Given the exception that you will not be able to edit and delete other contributor's question(s).

Adding Questions

Clicking on the "Add Box" icon, a fullscreen dialog will pop up. Here, there will be several dropdown boxes, checkboxes, textfields and table to fill up.

Besides "Shuffle" and "Draft", ALL fields are required.

For Topic, a Topic must be selected before Learning Outcome(s) can be selected. For Learning Outcome, more than one Learning Outcomes can be selected.

For Answers and Feedback, one correct answer and feedback must exist in a question.

  • To add an answer feedback, click the "Add Box" icon and two Textfields and a checkbox will appear on a row. Add your answer, feedback, and whether this answer is the correct answer for this question. Then, click on the tick icon to add the answer feedback. If not, you can click the cross icon to cancel the operation.

  • To edit your answer feedback, click on the pencil icon and the respective fields will appear. Edit the question. Then, click the tick icon to edit the answer feedback or the cross icon to cancel the operation.

  • To delete your answer feedback, click on the trash icon and a confirmation message will appear. Then, decide whether you want to delete the answer feedback.

Clean Up:

Click Clear to empty all fields.


After all required fields are entered, click Submit to submit the question to the server.

Error Handling:

If any field that is required is not entered, an red error message will appear either as a Snackbar at the bottom screen or the field will be highlighted red.

If the question already exists in the server, an red error message will appear as a Snackbar at the bottom screen.

Editing Questions

Clicking on the Pencil Icon, a fullscreen dialog will pop up.

Here, all functions behave in identically with Adding Questions. However, the ability to clear all fields is removed.

Viewing Quetions

Clicking on the Eye Icon, a fullscreen dialog will pop up.

Here, you will be able to see the details of a selected question.

You will not be able to modify anything.

Deleting a Question

Clicking on the Trash Icon will the delete the question from the system.

Note: This does not actually deletes the question from the system but the question is set to hidden. The question will have to be unhidden in order to "add" the question back to the system.


After selecting a question either by clicking the row itself or the Arrow icon, a detail panel will appear below the selected row. Here, you can click on Add Comment to add a comment to the question. This will bring up a dialog box.

In the dialog box, add your comment in the provided textfield and click Submit to add the comment to the system. If not, click Cancel to cancel the operation.


After selecting a question either by clicking the row itself or the Arrow icon, a detail panel will appear below the selected row. Here, you can click on the rating to rate the question.

A green success snackbar will appear to indicate that the question has been rated and added to the system.


Components used for the Frontend of this project are all based on Material-UI.

Its documentation site can be found here: Specific components used in this project:

Tables used for the Frontend of this project are based on Material-Tables

Its documentation site can be found here:

Specific components used in this project: